Total Lunar Eclipse on January 31, 2018 captured by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) Credit: NAOJ
From 20-21 January 2019 the lunar eclipse can be seen in various locations around the globe. Don’t miss this opportunity to host and participate in another event for IAU100!
North and South America will be the best places to observe the total lunar eclipse in the late hours of the night. Western Europe and northwestern Africa will experience the eclipse in progress around the local sunrise/moonset. Central and eastern Africa and Asia will only be able to witness a partial eclipse of the Moon. Check here to see whether the lunar eclipse is visible at your location.
The NOC-Argentina and the VoCar-CONICET Program, are the main supporters of the activities that will be present in around fifteen places around the country and mark the launch of the IAU 100 years under the same sky in Argentina. The activities are prepared for the general public and will be conducted by researchers, teachers, fellows and technicians from CONICET and different Universities.
In Ireland, the Blackrock Castle Observatory Labs will attempt to capture the night-time lunar eclipse in Ireland and the Communications Team will document the astronomers and their efforts as they chat about eclipses and the Moon.
In Nicaragua, the city of Leon and the Asafile – Asociación de Astrónomos Aficionados de León, will be hosting a free public event next Sunday at Central Park. They will use telescopes to observe the Moon and also sharing some flyers containing technical information about the total lunar eclipse. You can follow their activities on social media.
Kosice, Slovakia will host a public observation at the observatory and planetarium and Honduras will have an observation at the National Autonomous University of Honduras. These are only a few suggestions. If you are in Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Ireland, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Slovakia, Thailand and Venezuela, don’t miss an event near you. For information on those events, please visit our IAU100 Events page. Anyone can also register the Lunar Eclipse observation events as part of the IAU100 celebrations here.
If you cannot view the eclipse, we encourage you organise an event by connecting virtually to some of the groups, such as Astronomers Without Borders Lunar Eclipse Party or the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the STARS4ALL project, that are live-streaming the event.
Jorge Rivero González
IAU100 Coordinator